Genre: cory chase , dark super gurl , high frequency , female training , mind control , jmac , big boobs , milf , special effects , fucking , stunner , blowjob , luke longly , mr tropical , limp
Video Description: Scene One: Fucked Silly
Dark Super Gurl discovered the top secret location of the Revenge Crew. She flies in and hacks into their server. Trying to find the location of their next crime, DSG trips the silent alarm and the computer self destruct countdown...
In walks High Frequency, DSG says he is too late...Without a word, he blasts her with his sonic voice and does not stop. Her super hearing is overloaded and her ears explode. Now weak and helpless, High Frequency has his way with her. He shoves his cock down her throat and in her tight holes. DSG cannot resist him...Her mind says no but her body says "More!"
Just before the system self destructs, High Frequency finishes inside DSG and leaves...She is left to find the rest of the crew and location of Mr. Tropical...
Scene Two: Unwanted Stimulus
Satisfied after a great night of ravaging and pillaging, High Frequency is tucked into bed relaxing...What he does not know is, when Dark Super Gurl was hacking into the Revenge Crew's server, she discovered the location all the Henchmen homes...
Several moments later DSG appears in High Frequencies home...She uses her X-ray vision to search for weapons...The room is clear but she cannot see into a box on his night stand. She wakes him up and demands he tell her what is in the box...He tells DSG to open the box and look for herself...The cocky and not so bright super villain opens the box herself only to find a rare necklace of kryptonite...
Dark Super Gurl, the most powerful Super in the Universe, is now weak and helpless...High Frequency does whatever he wants to her and makes her his pet as he fucks her into complete submission...
Scene Three: Kryptonite Shocker
High Frequency now has his new pet where he wants her. Weakened by the Kryptonite Necklace and the Sonic Blasts from High Frequency, Dark Super Gurl must submit to his every command...Today is different, he does not want sexual pleasure he wants answer. HF uses his high tech Kryptonite infused shocking device to get all the answers out of DSG...Every wrong answer is awarded with a new and more powerful shock!!!
Genre: dark super gurl , high frequency , female training , mind control , jmac , big boobs , milf , special effects , fucking , stunner , blowjob , luke longly , mr tropical
Video Description: Scene One: High Frequency
After a night of crime and mayhem, Super Criminal High Frequency wanted to enjoy a sports drink and relax. Just once sip into his evening, Dark Super Gurl flies, picks him up and throws him across the room. Before he can react, Dark Super Gurl blasts him in the chest with her heat vision. Now High Frequency is no average man, he is weakened by blasts but is not destroyed.
After he catches his breath, he uses his sonic voice to overwhelm DSG's oversensitive hearing. She drops to her knees and he is about to dish out a special form of underworld justice. High Frequency picks her up and is about to have some fun when she super punches him in the gut, launching him to the couch. DSG strips him and uses him as her new sex toy and High Frequency is helpless to stop her.
After DSG gets what she wants, she reminds him she will be back daily for his seed and cock!!!
Scene Two: Mr. Tropical
The next Day, High Frequency took the day off...He wanted to relax with some chips and a power drink. Dark Super Gurl flies in and blasts him with her heat vision. High Frequency did not have time to put up a defense and quickly falls over. She reaches down to take his seed when the door opens...It's someone DSG has never seen, he introduces himself as Mr. Tropical.
DSG has no time for games and shoots her Heat Vision at him...He appears to absorb the blasts and throws the energy back at her...DSG is down and it's time for Pay Back...This time High Frequency is the Boss and fucks her like she deserves to be...He fucks her backwards, sideways and in-between...and in the end, Mr. Tropical tells her, don't fuck with the Revenge Crew!!! Time to find some more Super Heroines to destroy...with their cocks!
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