Genre: Cheek-To-Cheek, Laying Down, RealSpankings, Spanking M on F, Sunny, wooden paddle
Video Description: Sunny is waiting in the living room to be punished. She is laid over the ottoman and given a quick, hard spanking on her skirt and on her bare bottom.
Genre: Leather Strap, On All Fours, RealSpankings, Spanking F on F, Sunny
Video Description: Sunny’s parents agreed to the punishment. She is bent over and spanked with the same leather implement on her panties. The girls are then instructed to delete the photos and go to bed.
Genre: Ella, Hand, Naked, OTK (Over The Knee), realspankingsinstitute, Spanking F on F, Sunny
Video Description: Miss Betty then spanks both girls OTK with her hand. They are left in time out with sore, red bottoms.
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