Video Description: Queen Carter is toward the latter half of a tryout for a prospective slave that wants to be Her personal pet and doormat for Her freshWoman year at Femdom University. She has just moved into Her new apartment and the slave has served as Her furniture, She has smothered the slave, it has honored Her ass and now must honor Her sacred flower, Her womanhood, Her beautiful, dripping young pussy. Name roliks: Domina Planet - My Pussy Slurp Slut Year: 2021 Genre: Female Masturbation, Face Fucking, Facefucking, 18 &Amp; 19 Yrs Old, Teenfemdom, 18 Years Old, Pussy Face, Pussy Juice, Female Fluid Consumption, Face Grindking, Pussy Servant, Queen Carter, Masked Slave, Bondage Male, Bondage Slave