Genre: Bdsm, Bruises, BUBBLE BUTT BRUNETTE, Caning, crying, Domestic Discipline, Featuring: The Master, FRAT PADDLE, HDGIRLS KISSING, Lilia, Otk Spanking, OTK STRAPPING, punishment, Sabrina, scolding, Spanking

Video Description: The farmers friend is caught kissing her best friend and Master decided to teach her naught friend a lesson she won’t soon forget . Hard Otk spanking til her ass is crimson , then a nasty leather strap that has her crying in pain. Spanks and bruises form with every stroke, but the Frat Paddle really bruises her bottom as she screams with every hard swat. Hard Domestic Discipline scene filmed in HDGIRLS KISSING, OTK SPANKING, OTK STRAPPING, FRAT PADDLE, BUBBLE BUTT BRUNETTE, SCOLDING, CRYING, BRUISES, DOMESTIC DISCIPLINE
Bubble Butts Spanked on the Farm - Naughty Girls Paddled by Master [HD 720P]